Monday, 14 March 2011

Rough Cut Feedback

The writing in italics is the changes we are going to make to overcome the problems :)
General feedback:
Jerky pans in the living room from the T.V to Gregg and Charlotte walking to the house
Cut each shot shorter, the jerks start at the beginning of each shot.
The framing in the woods where Charlotte is taking the photos is good framing and the class seemed to really like it.
The class also really liked the flicker shots of the woods just before Charlottes killed.
The green screen isn't the greatest quality but still a good job.
They didn't like the way that it starts; J cut with a news graphic, jingle then newsreport

29 seconds: Fade through black newsreport to the titles. The sound is good and conventional of a newsreport. However the titles are too long- cut the length of the titles down.
53 seconds: The pan isn't smooth and the shot is a bit long. Cut the first part of the shot add some reaction shots.
Atmosphere sound isn't needed in the soundtrack- bit overdone.
1.16: The two reaction shots of Charlotte looking at the phone shows a continuity error, she's got the phone on the table, then the next shot is of the phone behind her ear. The solution is to add a shot before of a clock then in between the 2 shots of charl add another clock showing a couple of hours have passed.
1.50:When Charl goes home the shot is too long and the camera jerks. The jerks are only at the start so we will cut the shot so it's not so long.
2.09: The fridge shot for a 1/4 of a second theres a pause as she opens the fridge. Cut this by a couple of frames.
When Gregg appears in the window, needs to be a spin chilling moment, with a sound effect or a change in music as the music before gives away that its a thriller. Change the soundtrack so that it appears almost like a romantic, then when gregg is in the window, sudden change in music.
Another stinger when Gregg disappears from the fence. Sound effect.
Shorten the scene when Gregg appears behind the tree.
The scene where Charlotte and the dog walk into the woods is too long. Cut the shot at the end.
The shot of charl holding the camera before getting killed add a camera noise sound effect
News titles on each news report
Add an ident at the start.

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